Content Management System
A content management system is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content using a common user interface. CMS manages the content of Web pages. Web content includes text and embedded graphics, photos, video, audio, and code. CMS allows a user to add, modify and remove content from a website without the intervention of a webmaster. No technical skill or coding or knowledge is required to manage the website. Hence, it reduces cost also.
Benefits of CMS
- SEO (search engine optimization)-friendly URLs - We optimize your website so that search engine users can easily find your information. We assign unique and relevant meta keywords, description and dynamic page title to respective pages.
- Quick and easy page management - Any approved user can quickly and easily publish content online without programming.
- Responsive Design - The CMS automatically scales your site to fit tablets, mobile devices and smaller browser windows.
- Workflow management - An integrated workflow process facilitates better content management.
- Database-driven – Only need to change data once for it to be updated throughout your site.
- Updates — The CMS allows alerts to be set to notify the editor when content needs to be reviewed, updated or removed. This will help prevent old data from being presented and misinforming users.
- Zero Cost for maintenance & additional enhancement - Anyone can keep your website up-to-date in no time without any technical knowledge. To save money, can eliminate third party maintenance developer.
CMS Features
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Modular and Extensible
- Full template support
- Multiple languages support
- Integrated and online help
- Autogenerated menu
- Ready Made Modules
- Easy user and group management
- Blog, Polls, Picture Album
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